How To Impersonate an IDX Visitor

Date: February 2nd, 2011 | Category: dsSearchAgent

Impersonating an IDX Visitor will allow you to use the dsSearchAgent IDX as if you were the Contact giving you the ability to make searches, save searches and favorite listings for that Contact. To impersonate an IDX visitor, perform the following steps:

  1. Log into your Control Panel,
  2. Hover over dsSearchAgent >> Click on “Contacts”
  3. Select a Contact from one of your Contact Groups (Pull up that contacts profile page)
  4. Click on “Impersonate IDX Visitor” on the right-hand side (scroll down towards the middle of the page)

Once you click on the “Impersonate IDX Visitor” button, you will have logged into the IDX as that user. There, you can:

**NOTE: You cannot edit searches in dsSearchAgent Version 3.0. You’ll have to delete and create a new search for your contacts.

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