Creating Tasks (to set reminders & manage your contacts)

Date: January 8th, 2011 | Category: dsAgentReach

Tasks are a very helpful relationship management feature.

Who followed up on that new client sales lead?

When did you last speak with your home-buyer lead?

With Tasks, you can set reminders so you never forget. Furthermore, when you set reminders, you can also opt to receive Email/SMS reminders so you never forget to follow up. To schedule a Task, perform the following:

  1. Log into the Control Panel,
  2. Hover over dsAgentReach,
  3. Click on “Contacts” >> Click on a “Contact Group” >> Click on a Contact’s Profile,
  4. On the sidebar to the right, you’ll see an option that says “Create New Task” – Click it to create your new task.

Once you click on that tab, you’ll be able to create your new Task for this particular contact. There, you can opt to receive Email/SMS and pop-up alerts prior to your task due-date. It looks something like this:

To view all of your tasks, perform the following steps:

  1. Log into your Control Panel
  2. Hover over dsAgentReach >> Click on “Dashboard”
  3. Click on the “Activity” Tab

Here, you’ll be able to toggle between all of your previous tasks, next week’s tasks and the current week’s tasks. You’ll also see any reminders for overdue tasks in this panel.

Once you’ve performed these steps, congratulations! You’re well on the road to better relationship management with our clients.

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