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December 29th, 2010

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Using our link structure for loading MLS content with dsIDXpress, you can simply link to the “virtual page” URLs that dsIDXpress automatically creates for every city, community, zip code, and listing in the MLS. You can use these links anywhere you could use a normal web hyperlink. For example, we recently featured Bill McCue in our Client Spotlight Series for his excellent integration of dsIDXpress on his site.

NOTE: dsIDXpress does not create any REAL WordPress pages that you have to maintain for these URLs. Instead, the MLS content is pulled directly from our (Diverse Solutions) servers whenever a URL that matches the dsIDXpress URL structure is loaded on your blog. In other words, the MLS content is NOT loaded into your database at any time.


As a sellers agent, you’re contracted to sell a particular listing. After putting the property into the MLS and on your blog using the Live Listings(sm) functionality described above, you’ll probably want to post the property for sale on Craigslist and want to link directly to the property details page on your blog. If the MLS number was S1234567 and your domain name was, the URL you’d link to on Craigslist would look like this: (note that lowercase / uppercase letters don’t matter for the MLS number). That URL would in turn automatically 301 redirect to the “real” URL for that listing on your blog.

Another link strategy would be to give the link on your blog for all the listings in a particular community to another webmaster who writes a blog for that area. For example, if you knew someone who write a blog about the “The Villages” community in Laguna Beach and she was willing to link directly to the real estate listings for that area on your blog, you could give her a link that looks like this: