ToolBox -

January 31st, 2011

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As opposed to the Tasks in the Contact Details page, these tasks are not necessarily contact specific. To create a new Task, perform the following steps:

  1. Log into your Control Panel,
  2. Hover over dsAgentReach >> Click on “Dashboard”

To create a new task, click “Create New Task”.

Here, enter the information for your task. The alerts will be sent based on the time you choose in the “Remind When” dropdown. (Note: You can setup the email and phone alert information in your dsAgentReach Profile Section. Read: How To Set Up Alerts).

You will get sent an email for email and receive a text message for phone, popup will have a reminder popup if you are logged into your Control Panel. You can see your overdue tasks and tasks for today, this week and next week. To edit a task you can click on the words of the task. Once you’ve completed a task, simply click on the check box next to the task to mark it as complete.

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